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Sarajevo Rose

Past Meets Present: The Sarajevo War Tour

Many of the most dramatic historical events of the 20th century took place in Sarajevo. Perhaps ironically, the city’s volatile, often violent past makes it a unique and intriguing destination for 21st century travellers. Just far enough off the beaten track to be unique, yet modern enough to offer all the amenities you need for a luxurious … Read More

Bucharest’s Palace of Parliament

Described by its detractors as a giant Stalinist wedding cake, Bucharest’s Palace of Parliament, also referred to as the People’s Palace, is the second largest administrative building in the world after the Pentagon.  Architect Anca Petrescu was just 28 years old when she designed this gargantuan edifice on the orders … Read More

Munich’s Third Reich Tour

German history is fascinating, and if you are interested in the beginnings of World War II and Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, our Third Reich tour is highly recommended. The fast-paced tour led by Jeff is packed with historic facts, from Hitler’s birth, upbringing and failed attempts to be an … Read More

Palace of Tears, Berlin

Exploring Berlin’s Cold War History

If you are looking to get a deeper understanding of the Cold War while visiting Berlin, we highly recommend taking our Cold War walking tour. Much of it is centered on the Berlin Wall, and not only will you gain a more multi-layered view of this construction, you’ll also learn … Read More

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