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Delightful New Destinations: Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia

2016 marks ten years that JayWay Travel has been providing expert guidance to the most incredible destinations in Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltics. And to start the new year we’re thrilled to announce that we’ll be offering unforgettable vacations in three new countries: Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia. These countries are a … Read More

Salzburg’s Best Museums

Salzburg’s center is so beautifully preserved that sometimes it feels like a museum in itself. Of course there’s nothing sleepy or over-formal about the city, but history remains present in vibrant ways in Salzburg today, from the imposing castle looming on the Festungsberg hill, to the quaint cobblestones of Old Town. Besides the history … Read More

Wonderful Wroclaw: European Capital of Culture 2016

It’s no secret that we love Wroclaw, Poland. This gorgeous little city has an atmosphere all its own, and everyone who has traveled here with us has returned with tales of local charm. And now it seems the world has picked up on Poland’s best-kept secret, because Wroclaw has been selected as … Read More

Vienna’s Cultural Classics

Vienna is renowned worldwide for its opera and classical music, so it’s no surprise that many of our guests want to add a night at the opera or a classical concert to the Vienna leg of a European tour. There’s so much to choose from in this brilliant city of classical … Read More

Helsinki’s Hidden Gem: Suomenlinna

There’s one destination on the outskirts of Helsinki so rich with historical interest and contemporary charm that it’s a guarded local secret — literally. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Suomenlinna is a fortress built on six islands that are actually part of the capital city, though you’ll have to take a short ferry ride to … Read More

Classical Culture: The Franz Liszt Academy of Music

Franz Liszt, or Liszt Ferenc as he is known in his native Hungary, was the world’s first rock star. He didn’t play rock music of course, but the internationally renowned composer was also a hugely talented pianist who made a fortune as a touring virtuoso. His world-wide fame certainly hasn’t detracted … Read More

Vienna’s Jewish Heritage & Sights

Of all the cities in Europe, Vienna has perhaps the richest and most deeply seated Jewish heritage. Despite persistent and recurring waves of anti-Semitism, of which the Holocaust was only the most recent, Vienna’s Jewish community has remained vibrant and significant and today Vienna’s Jewish heritage & sights are some of the richest … Read More

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