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A Cultural Wonder: The Dubrovnik Summer Festival

Founded as a theater festival in 1950, the Dubrovnik Summer Festival quickly became one of the region’s largest cultural events. Running from July 10 to August 25 every year, the daily performances range from theatrical plays to classical and folk music, from contemporary dance to ballet. With its open-air stages … Read More

Concerts in Salzbug

The Best Concerts in Salzburg

It’s no secret that Salzburg is a musical city. It is the birthplace of Mozart, after all. But this beautiful Austrian destination isn’t simply indebted to the past. You might be surprised to find out that Salzburg maintains a stellar music scene that offers many chances to hear world-class concerts … Read More

Jazz Clubs in Krakow

The Best Jazz Clubs in Krakow

From Frederic Chopin to Paweł Maciwoda, bassist for the Scorpions, Poland is a country of musicians. So it makes sense that Krakow, one of Poland’s most vibrant cities, has a rich music scene. There are classical concerts galore here, many of which are oriented toward tourists. But if you look a … Read More

Vienna’s Cultural Classics

Vienna is renowned worldwide for its opera and classical music, so it’s no surprise that many of our guests want to add a night at the opera or a classical concert to the Vienna leg of a European tour. There’s so much to choose from in this brilliant city of classical … Read More

Classical Culture: The Franz Liszt Academy of Music

Franz Liszt, or Liszt Ferenc as he is known in his native Hungary, was the world’s first rock star. He didn’t play rock music of course, but the internationally renowned composer was also a hugely talented pianist who made a fortune as a touring virtuoso. His world-wide fame certainly hasn’t detracted … Read More

Chef Time Fest Lamb Tenderloin

Prague’s Best Fests

Not to be outdone by the selection of festivals taking place in Budapest, Prague’s got a packed calendar of great events to entice you to visit or, schedule willing. fill your days if you’ve already made your plans. You may notice a dead-zone from late July until the end of … Read More

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