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Budapest's Great Market

How to Get from Prague to Budapest

A common itinerary for our guests on their Eastern European tours combines a visit to Prague, the Czech capital, and a few days in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. You can get from Prague to Budapest without too much hassle, in part because in American terms these cities are close together. … Read More

Prague Castle

Fear of Terrorism and Travel to “Eastern Europe”

In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, which all seem to be perpetrated by a single, or closely connected cells, and the subsequent travel alert issued by the U.S. State Department it is natural to be wary of traveling to Europe. However the differences between Western Europe and … Read More

Where to Go in 2016?

It’s that time of year again, when thoughts turn to possible spring and summer vacation destinations. Travel journalists are particularly good at coming up with lists, so we’ve collated our own list-of-lists. For travellers who prefer to tread where none of your friends have ventured before, we’ve added our own suggestions for cities that … Read More

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